Pricing for services

Please find a downloadable pricing sheet here.



Choose between natural, white, or black envelopes. With enough time, more colors are available.

Outer Envelope - 5.oo/envelope

Inner Envelope - 4.00/envelope

Return Address - 2.00/envelope

RSVP Envelope - 4.00/envelope


Day-of Materials

Place card name only - 4.00/each

Paper Escort Card name and table number - 4.25/each

Acrylic Escort Card name and table number - 5.25/each

Bar Signage acrylic - 7.50/each

Bar Signage paper - 9.00/each

Table Signage number only paper/acrylic - 7.50/each

Table Signage name paper/acrylic - 9.00/each

Welcome Signage mirror/acrylic - 10.00/line + rental cost (cost dependent on size)

Seating Chart on mirror/acrylic - 10.00/line + rental cost


B.Y.O.S - Bring Your Own Surface

Do you have a surface that you would like to use and need assistance with the written part? You may have some creative dreams that you aren’t seeing put into specifics here. I love it! Let’s work together to create your unique hand lettering needs. Entrust in me to create the perfect vision. Range of small to large surfaces accepted. Pricing is $1.00 less per line from prices listed above.